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Institute of Advanced Studies, 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, offers parenting education and counseling services in Costa Mesa. 



annporter  â€–  Counseling Children is a child-parent psychotherapy relationship practice focused on a cohesive, basic framework of the child's self-esteem looking at the child's psychological, emotional, social, and cognitive developmental stages of growth and wellbeing. 

Parent educational sessions designed to help you to understand the impact separation, divorce, conflict, and family litigation can have on you and your children. These sessions will provide you with beneficial information to help you minimize the stress and harmful effects upon you and your children in what can be a very difficult challenging experience in your life.   


  • Court Ordered Parent Classes

  • Parent Education Classes

  • Single Parent Sessions

  • 52-Week Parenting Classes

  • Co-Parenting Classes

  • Parenting Classes Court Accepted

  • Age Appropriate Parent Classes


Even though you have been ordered by court to attend parenting classes, remember your children. Your children need a happy stable parent. They need you to be the change and make a difference.


You can be more confident and relaxed as a parent. And, you can become a nurturing parent to cultivate a solid sense of self-worth in your child.


It all begins with a new way of looking at early childhood and adolescent development and getting the skills and know-how you need.


In my approach to counseling parents, feeling more relaxed is only the beginning – it’s about helping parents to utilize new tools and skills to raise responsible, productive, happy children to live as fully functioning adults who lead meaningful lives.  


My philosophy is that counseling parents is a collaborative creative process and I take great care to help parents focus on their goals and dreams and desires for their children to help them not only to feel better but also to live better.


© 2017 by annporter  â€–  Counseling Children    Focused on Children's Self-Esteem and Healthy Development  

Ann Porter, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist #122487

Employed by IAS Counseling Services, Institute of Advanced Studies, 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization 

"Changing the World One Life at a time with Affordable, Quality Counseling" 


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